Friday, August 31, 2012

125 Harvard students being investigated for cheating


For decades Harvard University in Cambridge, MA has held the title as the #1 university in the world as far as quality of education is concerned. It is the school where people laugh at you if you dare to brag about being valedictorian of their high school. The workload is so tough that a lot of students resort to medication to keep them awake and alert to be able to handle it all. Graduating from Harvard almost guarantees you a job shortly after receiving that degree. With the work being so hard you can't blame students for wanting to help each other through studying and peer editing each others' work. Well recently the University has been made aware that a big group of students have been doing more than just studying together. 125 students from a government class are being investigated for collaborating on a take home final. The professor's assistant who was grading a set of the exams noticed that a lot of students had identical answers or answers that were borderline identical. It's not unusual for college students to work together on take home assignments but some Universities allow it, Harvard doesn't. They have a strict policy against collaboration and students that are found guilty will face harsh penalties. The pressure of succeeding at the world's top university is obviously high enough to make students cheat when they should know there are very clever instructors reviewing their work. I don't know what's going to happen to these students but it's pretty hard to brag about going to Harvard if you get kicked out.

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-Stay in shape

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