Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Relationship Advice: Who to listen to and who not to listen to!

These days when it comes to relationships it seems like everyone thinks they're an expert. It is a topic that everyone wants to put their 2 cents in. Everybody is convinced that they know what they're talking about and that what they think is the way to go. Let's be honest though, it's all an opinion. The fact that most people have different things to say is proof that no one person's advice is more legit than the other. I'm not here to give you relationship advice but I am going to give you advice on who to listen to and who not to listen to. So pretty much I'm giving you advice on where to find good advice. I've broken it down into a few simple rules. BRACE YOURSELF.......

Rule number 1...NEVER take advice from someone who is single and has never been in a relationship longer than a few months. There is a reason why they are single and don't have long relationships and that reason is that they don't know what they're doing. Be careful around those clowns.

Rule number 2....Be careful when taking advice from someone who is in a relationship but seems miserable. Just because they are in a relationship that might have been going for a while doesn't mean they know what a good relationship is. There is a chance that they might be forcing it just so they won't be alone. 

Rule number 3...Don't think that taking advice from the opposite sex means that it's great advice. Fellas, don't take advice from a female about how to treat your girlfriend unless you really trust that other girl. Ladies, don't take advice from dudes that are used to getting their way or guys that are extremely feminine/emotional. One is going to tell you to just give your boyfriend what he wants and the other is going to tell you to ask your boyfriend to talk about his emotions and have a long heart to heart. That's just stupid.

Rule number 4....Be careful when asking a friend for advice. Your friends might want what's in your best interest but a lot of times all they're good for is telling you to confront your partner which usually leads to relationship ending arguments. Just sayin......

Rule number 5....Older married couples usually offer good advice. If your parents or maybe an aunt and uncle have been together for a while then chances are they know what it takes to make a relationship last. Well at least they know how to get through rough times and stick together. 

Rule number 6...Always get a 2nd, 3rd and even 4th opinion. Hear what multiple people have to say before you make any moves. I mean you wouldn't buy the first car you see from the first dealership you go to, would you?

Final rule...Sometimes it's best to trust your instincts. Your own advice to yourself might be the best situation. If people often tell you that you're a good person with good morals, and you have a great personality then you're doing something right. It doesn't mean you're an expert on relationships but it does mean that you most likely won't do anything stupid to mess it up.

The moral of the story here is that everyone is quick to chime in and give relationship advice but at the end of the day it's all opinion so don't be so quick to believe just anybody. Thanks for reading, good luck finding good relationship advice but don't come to me looking for it. My job here is done.

By Guy Hudson
Don't forget to check out my soundcloud account and follow me on twitter. If you need beats, hit me up at ejphudson@gmail.com

Twitter: @EJPOnTheBeat

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