Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rather Lose than Win?


Win means Be successful or victorious in (a contest or conflict).

Teebow (15) and Sanchez (6)
Isn't that what everyone wants? Every single human being likes to win and be successful. You feel good when you win, and get a confidence booster to win again next time. At least that's what I thought it was all about. BUT not for the NFL team New York Jets. Their record so far this season is 4-7, 4wins and 7losses with QB Mark Sanchez. Sports analytics tried to figure out where the issue is, and most of them have come to realize that the Jets rather lose with Mark Sanchez then win with Tim Teebow. A lot of teammates have expressed their feelings about Mr. Teebow and some of them even went as far as calling him "Terrible". They would rather have a quarterback that throws a "prettier spiral" than one that does what it takes to win.

Now PAUSE for a minute would you! There is a team in the NFL that likes to lose rather than to win. That makes no sense whatsoever. He throws prettier therefore we don't need to win????? Sports people have more detail info here, but for everyone else out there, it would never ever make no sense at all to say "Hey, lets use this guy because he throws prettier even though the outcome is a loss"....NO NO NOBODY DOES THAT.....What matters is WINNING and WINNING and going forward.

Did they forget who Tim Teebow is and his records? How he took Denver Broncos to the Playoffs? I mean, it looks like they forgot everything.

Somebody please Wake These Folks UP!

 - Stay in Shape

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