Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Inside the Olympic Village

I went to the Olympic Village today.... It's huge, every building have tons of different teams staying as shown on the pictures below. Except these pictures, I saw a lot of great athletes but they were minding their own business & relaxing therefore I didn't want to ask for a picture. Next time soon I'll give you more pictures & different athletes. Enjoy for now.
Look at the sky, the cross is pointing down at the Stadium
Dollar.....Thats her name no joke...She is about to blast ppl on the 800m
Caster...The lady to beat
Henry, 400m...its about to go down pretty soon
Sanya Richard-Ross, me, Dawn Harper and Francena Mccorory
Volleyball athlete from GB
The background is nice, but these two guys are hilarious 
Yohan Blake....I said "you ready?", he said "Man I was born ready"
Abdi Abdirahman from USA
I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky....and......Pause!!!
Kerron Clement, me and Aries Merritt
Olympic BMW cars
Asbel Kiprop will win the GOLD by far....u betta believe it...he laughed and said "We'll see"
OKC OKC OKC...in this case SPAIN..Serge IBAKA...he busy but still taking time for a pic....AWESOME
My homeboy Rabah, about to kill youngster on the 400m 
Loving this picture
Kirani James......You already know he is all about the GOLD medals
Gloria Asumnu.....Tulane's/Nigeria's finest......

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